Bali Overstayers thanks to Jetstar

My wife and I recently booked a return flight from Cairns to Bali departing 27th Jan and returning 28th Feb. We were aware that 30 days is the "Free Visa " period, but also aware that we could instead obtain and pay for, a VOA ( Visa on arrival ). A VOA enables us to extend our stay beyond the 30 day Free VIsa period. We have lived and worked in Bali as Resort Managers, so we are fully aware of this availability.
Our dates of travel were accepted by Jetstar and bookings were confirmed and paid for. However upon arrival at Cairns Airport check in, we were told that we could not board the plane unless our return flight was within 30 days of departure. We explained re the purchase of a Visa on Arrival at Bali Airport which we are able to renew to cover the extra days, but were told that was not acceptable and that Jetstar's policy is that we must have tickets that will return us within 30 days. When asked why Jetstar took the booking dates and issued the confirmations for outside the 30 days, we were met with a stony silence and referred to a policy document apparently issued by Jetstar, but never issued to us when we booked our tickets.
We were advised to go online and change our flights and then come back. We were unable to connect with Jetstar online, so returned to the check in counter to change our flights. Guess what. Yes I am sure you all saw this one coming. $492 is the cost to change your flight thank you very much. The Jetstar staff issued us with a receipt and changed our flight back from Bali from the 28th Feb to 26th Feb to comply with their policy.
So we had a wonderful stay in Bali until we got to the airport. Upon presentation of our passports at Immigration we were informed that we were overstayers by one day and that we must go to their Office for interview and explanation. As soon as we sat down I explained that we had originally booked with Jetstar for in excess of 30 days and that we were going to obtain and pay for a Visa on Arrival so that we could then extend our stay to cover the few extra days. The Immigration Officer agreed that was exactly the right thing to do and that we were quite correct in our actions. Then I explained to him re our check in at Cairns Airport and the required change of dates by Jetstar staff and I showed him the receipt issued by Jetstar for $492 which we had paid. He was incredulous not only at the Jetstar actions, but - now wait for it. Jetstar had issued our changed return ticket one day over our "Free Visa " time period, and we were now "OVERSTAYERS" AND HAD TO PAY $60 FINES TO IMMIGRATION.
We are still shaking our heads as I cut and paste this in order to send off to Jetstar. I doubt I will ever receive either an apology, or a refund.
Allan and Liene Prince - Palm Cove Cairns

Indonesia-Denpasar (Bali)