Thanks Jetstar!

Never again! Set out for Gold Coast on a flight 1 hour and 50 mins after scheduled departure time. Told we would land after 59 mins flying time. Told to prepare for landing at the Gold Coast airport and 3 minutes before landing - told we would be landing in Brisbane as storm activity on the Gold Coast prevented us from landing. By the way, there was no storm at the Gold Coast and the plane which departed Sydney 10 mins after us, arrived at the Gold Coast airport at the time we were due.

On arrival in Brisbane, there were no trains running, taxi to Gold Coast was quoted as $300.

Jetstar staff advised buses would be there in 3/4 hour. IT arrived at the same time as my husband who drove up from Gold Coast airport to get me. He travelled 250 klms to pick me up instead of the normal 140 klms round trip from halfway between Gold Coast and Brisbane. We arrived home at 2.10 am. Those unfortunate enough to land at the closed Gold Coast airport, did so at 2.30 am. There were old people on walking sticks, mothers with babies and small children and generally distressed people everywhere.

Thanks a lot Jetstar. I hope you someday find yourself in the same position as we did.

Lois Paterson

Australia-Gold Coast