I booked a return flight on the Jetstar website.
When I went to pay I noticed I had been charged an extra $9 each flight for a carry on bag that was included in the price. I then had to negotiate back through the pages to remove this 'add on' and in doing so my return flight somehow changed and I did not pick it up as I was focusing on the total amount to pay.
I called Jetstar immediate as I was trying to obtain the last flight for that amount. I could not make any change as I was not the person named on the ticket. I had to then call the person and they in turn had to talk to Jetstar and give permission for the ticket to be changed even though my details were all over the booking including address and phone details. It then took over an hour of negotiations with the person from Manilla to decide that it was not a "changed flight" but a mistake made when purchasing and some error with their website. While all of this was happening the price changed and I had to pay the difference.
Once the altered ticked were sent to me I tried to forward them on to the person I had bought them for. I found I could not. I had to visit the website again and find out why. It was because my name was not on the ticket. Again, a really annoying feature as how often would people purchase tickets for others. The name on the ticket was different my email and phone details were used. I had to print, scan and email. I only hope these will be accepted at the airport!
This is not good customer service and I am loath to use this website again and it is yet another problem with Jetstar.