Domestic Travel Restrictions
Last Updated: 17/07/2020 08:40 AM
For travel within Australia please review the below border restrictions to ensure you can meet the conditions of entry.
State or Territory | Travel updates & entry requirements |
Australian Capital Territory |
COVID-19 updates Travel documentation |
New South Wales |
COVID-19 updates Travel documentation |
Northern Territory |
COVID-19 updates Travel documentation |
Queensland |
COVID-19 updates Travel documentation |
South Australia |
COVID-19 updates Travel documentation |
Tasmania |
COVID-19 updates Travel documentation |
Victoria | COVID-19 updates |
Western Australia |
COVID-19 updates Travel documentation |
Extra Support for customers impacted by travel restrictions:
If you are traveling in or out of Victoria between now and 18 August, you are eligible to cancel your booking and obtain a credit voucher to the value of the booking.
To request a voucher, go to Manage Booking and follow these easy steps. We'll email the voucher to you within 14 business days.
- Click on the 'Find out More' button
- Select 'Check flight Options' button
- Click 'View other Options' button
- Select 'Request reimbursement' button
Alternatively, you may wish to wait to see if your flight is impacted by Jetstar’s current network review, in which case Jetstar will contact you directly in the coming days with a range of options, which depending on the circumstances may include a refund.
Have a question about flight cancellations, changing flights or vouchers? Please also read our COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions.
Help ease travel restrictions faster with the Australian Government's COVIDSafe App
We encourage all Australians to download and activate the COVIDSafe app.
The app helps state and territory officials to quickly contact people who may have been exposed to the virus. It’s easy, it’s secure and ultimately, it will mean less restrictions, which will let us all travel again sooner.
The COVIDSafe app also gives you extra reassurance if you are travelling. For more information and to download the app head here.