Travel Alert - A message from The Scheduled Airlines Association of JAPAN - Japan (English)

A message from The Scheduled Airlines Association of JAPAN

Last Updated: 29/06/2020 02:04 AM

■ Conditions of carriage regarding the prohibition of smoking and the use of all smoking devices in the cabin
From 1 July 2020, the conditions of carriage regarding the prohibition of smoking and the use of all smoking devices in the cabin will be amended to specifically mention smoking in the lavatory.

Captains can issue a "Prohibition Order" to anyone in violation of this regulation, and up to 500,000 JPY fine for continued non-compliance.

Please check the news release posted on The Scheduled Airlines Association of JAPAN website.

■ Measures undertaken by the Japanese airlines
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Scheduled Airlines Association of Japan has posted information on recommended airline initiatives aimed at keeping passengers safe. For more details, please click below URL.