The flight that never took place

We paid for my brothers flight from Melbourne to Brisbane to attend my Aunty's 90th birthday party. We were all ready in Queensland because of the QANTAS strike he was stranded in Melbourne because we'd booked him with QANTAS. Luckily we got him a flight with Jetstar for the day before Aunty's actual birthday. Yippee! Webjet was used to book his flight. This had caused his seat to be charged twice to our credit charge at a greatly increased fee. On his way to the airport he was invlolved in an accident. I let Jetstar know this and they assured us that he would be looked after and if necessary a later flight would be organised or him. This did not happen. My brother only ended being 20 mins before the flight left at the gate. He only had carry on baggage but they would not let him on. They did not offer him another flight. They left him with nothing and treated him with absolute disgust. He explained to the Jetstar staff that I had rung and let them know about his accident and that Jetstar had also talked with him on the phone at the scene and assured him of the later flight but still nothing. I rang, emailed and sent letters to all the Managers of Customer Services (ha, ha) and even to the C.E.O. Mr. DAvid Hall. They have all treated me like an idiot which I mentioned in the last lot of letters and said there would be no refund at all even though they broke their agreement with me regarding the offer of the later flight. Jetstar are absolutely horrible and I will never travel with them again. Guess who got my brother to Brisbane for my Aunty's 90th. QANTAS. He went to them and still had his ticket from the grounding and they said they had a flight in 30 minutes. Love QANTAS now. Hate Jetstar. Still waiting for the Jetstar person to get back to me with the Manager's name for Australia? (huh!)

Australia-Melbourne - Tullamarine


The CEO is Bruce Buchanan

The CEO is Bruce Buchanan just in case you're wondering.

Write to him but regardless of the outcome I still wouldn't fly with them again if I were you.

Hi, Thanks, I wrote, emailed

I wrote, emailed and rung a guy named Michael Mirabito Manager Customer Experience. and David Hall who I had been told was the C.E.O. all to no avail and accused me of being an idiot. I was charged twice by both Webjet and Jetstar.
Thanks again. Much appreciated.

Bruce Buchanan never replied

Bruce Buchanan never replied either. I sent him emails and letters also.

David Hall is CEO of Jetstar

David Hall is CEO of Jetstar Australia/New Zealand. Bruce Buchanan is CEO of Jetstar Group (Australia/NZ/Asia/Pacific/Japan).

Why would a CEO reply to you? Why do you think they have customer relations departments and managers to handle these issues.
To my knowledge, phone staff (in asia) are told to tell people who are running late to get to the airport as soon as they can, and speak to staff. They don't (or shouldn't) tell people they will definitely get on another flight.

If you're at the airport on time and don't act like a dick, Jetstar are usually fine. People just have nothing better to do than complain.

My reply to Terri is this not

My reply to Terri is this not a complaint re the end of your "complaint".
This about a legal and moral issue. My brother did not and never has acted like a dick or caused any disruption or been rude. He was assured of a later flight due to a "promise" from Jetstar staff. He did not ask to be treated with total disregard. I did not ask to be treated the same way. Who are you? I suspect a Jetstar employee by the sound of your message! Need I say more!
So how about you stop complaining and keep to the legal issue of the issues.
May I also ask exactly what does a CEO do?

It's always the easiest thing

It's always the easiest thing to do to assume that someone who knows that they're talking about must work for the company. It doesn't matter to me what you think.
I am not a CEO but I would suspect they are in constant meetings, often in different cities, overseeing all areas of a company etc etc. They don't have time to respond to complaints which is why they have dedicated departments to deal with them. If I was a CEO and received some complaint email, I would forward it on to someone in customer service to deal with.

oh yeah because jetstars

oh yeah because jetstars customer service is 5 star LOL terri just go find somewhere else to post your ridiculous pro jetstar comments

Thank you Leanne,

Thank you Leanne,

terri is a cmplete idiot

terri is a cmplete idiot everyone on this website thinks so yet she continues to leave her sad ass comments wow what a loser

I don't think Terri is an

I don't think Terri is an idiot. I in fact completely agree with her - so you're wrong - not "everyone on this site thinks so"

Leanne I'm not the one on

Leanne I'm not the one on here what seems like every single day bitching and moaning about yours and other peoples issues. Move on, get a life.

I don't think it helps

I don't think it helps slagging off at other people. The comment I wish to make is about CEOs. One of the American Presidents - Rooseveldt, or maybe Eisenhower - had a small wooden sign at the front of his desk in the Oval Office, saying "The Buck Stops Here". He wasn't referring to dollars, he was referring to responsibility. The CEO is at the apex of an organisation, and at the end of the day, that is where the responsibility for an organisation's operations and behaviour lies. That is ostensibly why they are paid millions of dollars each year to run organisations.

Can you imagine if Richard Branson of Virgin received a customer complaint email direct? I would imagine that he would be furious, majorly because he had already set up a Customer Service structure, and that structure should be rigorous and strong enough to deal with all complaints politely, competently, with fairness, and to FUNCTION. Secondly, because his time would be wasted by having to deal with getting the complaint sorted. Thirdly, because he's been paying the eejit running Customer Service lots of money, and who is not organising giving service to the customers competently - to the point where they feel they have to turn to the CEO to get some redress for the indequacies of the organisation. Capiche?

So Facebook User, the point being, is that this airline is not being run properly, otherwise this website would not exist, and the many people who have contributed their experiences would not feel the need to find a website to complain to. That is the major point, not that people should "get a life". If there is a crappy organisation or business, always look to the managers of the business.