Different pricing on the website and in their backend could be caused by a caching issue, either in the browser or on their server.
This is something that most web developers have to deal with at some point, but it seems the developers of the Jetstar website have not thought it through well enough.
Seems to me like it is false advertising if they do not sell you a ticket at the price advertised on the website (though upgrading may not fall into this category)
After 5 bad experiences you
After 5 bad experiences you still use Jetstar? Looks like you're a sucker for punishment.
I suppose you could say that
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Well I gave it 24 hours, and
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Good Triumphs over Evil!!!
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359 hits a day later!!
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The early news today had an
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Different pricing on the
Different pricing on the website and in their backend could be caused by a caching issue, either in the browser or on their server.
This is something that most web developers have to deal with at some point, but it seems the developers of the Jetstar website have not thought it through well enough.
Seems to me like it is false advertising if they do not sell you a ticket at the price advertised on the website (though upgrading may not fall into this category)
You're talking 'computer
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