Jetstar have now begun a policy of not allowing you to purchace your duty free from inside Dempasar airport, enroute to Darwin.
Where is freedom of choice?
This forces you to purchace from the duty free inside the Darwin airport at a higher cost, e.g. 1 litre of Bourbon in Depasar $17 US approx $18.50 AUS. Darwin Airport $52 for 2 $26 for 1.
What deal have jetstar done with Darwin international airport? when you consider they own a substantial portion of the Duty free shop.
Indonesia-Denpasar (Bali)
Grubby cunts.
Grubby cunts.
I assume you speak without
I assume you speak without getting your facts straight and if you bothered to gain more information you would know that this is a restriction imposed by Denpasar airport.
If it is a restriction
If it is a restriction imposed by Denpasar airport, why is it that it doesn't apply to Garuda or Pacific Blue flights to Aus. I assume you speak without getting your facts straight...This is a scam pure and simple.