This is how they "reward" gold frequent flyers

As a Qantas gold frequent flyer, I gave points to bring my son and his partner on two separate flights from Christchurch to Sydney, one just before Christmas and the other afterwards. My son’s luggage arrived SIX days later. His partner’s flight was delayed out of Christchurch, causing her to miss her Auckland connection. Having closed her New Zealand mobile phone account, Jetstar refused her request to call us in Sydney and couldn’t say when the next seat would be available (she should talk to Qantas, they said). Qantas refused to pay an overnight hotel because the Jetstar delay caused the missed flight -- not their responsibilty they said. And - salt in the wounds - she had to pay $190 excess baggage twice, once at Christchurch and again at Auckland, after being told the charge would see her baggage right through. When it suits Qantas, it can seamlessly communicate with Jetstar and dump people on this joke of an airline. But when something goes wrong with one, the other doesn’t want to know. “Reward” points indeed.

New Zealand-Christchurch


jestar only do the very bare

jestar only do the very bare minumum. they figure that if you are cheap enough to fly with them, then you dont deserve the treatment of more expensive airlines.
"Reward" youself by flying a different airline next time.

Considering that Jetstar is

Considering that Jetstar is owned and run by Qantas so the treatment should be the same.

I empathise with you Simon.

I empathise with you Simon. However, our status with Qantas means nothing. I am a Chairman's Lounge member but it means absolutely nothing on Jetstar. You status is not on your boarding pass as I recently found out when visiting the hideous Jetstar lounge on the Gold Coast. They asked me to pay $15.00 when I handed them by boarding pass. I explained I do not pay and the woman curtly and sarcastically told me I needed to be Platinum or Chairman's Lounge to get in. I very quickly wiped the smirk off her face when I presented her with my card. Of course, I entered the apology for a lounge without any further incident. But even if you have top status with Qantas, you are still treated like a piece of dirt on their shoe. I agree that the treatment from Jetstar should be the same as Qantas, but it is not. The appalling treatment dished out by Jetstar to their passengers is not good for the Qantas brand and they will learn this the hard way the longer they choose to ignore Jetstar is a hideous Z grade airline with no manners, common courtesy or respect.

No Anonymous, Quantas is not

No Anonymous, Quantas is not the same. They actually have standards when hiring staff, unlike jetstar who hires any old rubbish. To call them a z star airline is a compliment, and a compliment the staff would most likely take in their filthy stride.