Hi i have just got back to perth from bali, two days after i was supposed to arrive here. On wednesday Jetstar cancelled my morning flight only after we waited in the airport from 9 in the morning till 2.30 in the arvo then we had to stand around for another 2 hours before they finnally sent us to a hotel. from this point onwards there was no contact from jetstar except the next morning when they sent a fax to the hotel for all passengers telling us our flight had been rescheduled for friday morning at 10am i went to the airport with some other passengers to check the validity of this only to find they knew nothing about it and no such flight existed JETSTAR TELL LIES ! the only flights available to us on jetstar were to cairns then melbourne then perth a round trip of 20 hours or adelaide then perth a round trip of 19 hours we found this unacceptable and still with no contact from jetstar we decided we had to go with air asia it cost us $1280 for two seats to perth on friday morning and we finally made it back to perth exhausted and dispirited. Jetstar ruined what was up until wednesday morning a nice holiday. I have since spoken to the call centre in the phillipines who admitted that what happened was totally unacceptable but they so far have only offered to pay us back the cost of the return seats on the cancelled flight which does not even begin to cover our costs. I WILL NEVER FLY WITH JETSTAR AGAIN AND I AM NOT GOING TO LET THIS MATTER REST UNTIL I HAVE SOME ANSWERS. SHAME ON YOU JETSTAR THE WORST AIRLINE EVER.

Indonesia-Denpasar (Bali)


haha good luck with holding

haha good luck with holding them accountable you have to get aknowledgement from them first and they NEVER reply to any negative comments i dont think customer service is part of their DNA , the other day i had conversation at check in Melb and the Jetstar employee said their cust serv dept was a joke ...

Yeah, good luck with that.

Yeah, good luck with that. You are lucky they offered you that much. My stepdaughters flight got cancelled from Japan to Cairns with very little notice. Her class of fellow uni students were dumped on the Gold Coast just a few days before Christmas and they never made it to Hobart nor Cairns. We never saw any assistance to get her to Cairns (where she paid to go) except for a miserable 50 buck inhouse gift certificate. Most of those other kids were stuck on the Gold Coast till after Christmas. Shocking service..never flown with them since..

Boycott them... there's

Boycott them... there's plenty of better airlines going to Bali from perth and other cities in Australia. ..

This is almost the exact

This is almost the exact amount i got out of jetstar last year after 9 months of refusing to do anything. It took an application to small claims to get them to pay up. ssssh not really meant to talk about it but. you CAN get your money back for the other flights.. we did

Hi Ash Phillips, thanks for

Hi Ash Phillips, thanks for that comment. Just an update JetPus has agreed to pay for my cancelled flights with actual money and not a voucher which i told them to shove, but im still argueing over the flights i had to pay for and have lidged a complaint with the aviation ombudsman so heres hoping. any additional info would be greatly appreciatted cheers.