After having us wait on the tarmac for an hour and a half, the captain finally announced that he had to cancel the flight. Flights get cancelled so I was reasonably forgiving (Jetstar seems to have more cancellations than others but you get what you pay for). They then announced that as it was the last flight of the night, they would pick up dinner and hotel bills up to $150. I had to get to work the next day so I got my wife to book me the first flight out in the morning. It turned out to be a little more expensive but still cheap.
The next day I rang up to sort out my refund. The not-very-helpful Jetstar person told me that customer relations would be in touch with me in three weeks. Three weeks?! It turned out that there was a fair backlog of multiple cancellations. She was rude and never apologised. Her poor customer service actually made up my mind to never fly with them again.
Two and a half weeks later, someone emailed me a Jetstar voucher. I waited for someone to call. Finally, I called up and told them that the voucher was no good as I didn't intend to use it. I asked to be reimbursed the amount I paid for the second flight. No luck. More calls as my complaint got elevated. After weeks of toing and froing the final person talked to me. I told her that I paid for that second flight in good faith that Jetstar would reimburse me for the money. I wasn't claiming any hotel bill or food bill. She refused to budge. No apology. Nothing.
In the five weeks since the cancelled flight, I've flown with Air New Zealand 10 times. I fly twice every week so that's a lot of lost revenue going Jetstar's way. The cost of the flights have been slightly more but they're on time (and sometimes even land early), plus there's snacks and drink. I've also joined Air NZ Koru Club.
Haha Jetstar.
Buddy, its up to travel
Buddy, its up to travel insurance to reimburse you for the cost of going on another carrier, not the airline. If you chose not to go on the next service they could get you on, then thats your problem. They give you a refund of what you paid, and you pick up the extra. It's really not a difficult concept.
wow terri sullivan strikes
wow terri sullivan strikes again your an idiot and dont bullshit and say you dont work for jetstar because only a jetstar employee would make as many pro jetstar comments on a site called your a fucking joke girl
Sorry Leanne but you actually
Sorry Leanne but you actually have no idea what you're talking about, but continue to think you do if it makes you feel better :) Love how you have to resort to swearing as well. Very bogan. You really should go back to flying Jetstar.
Alf could I please have your
Alf could I please have your Jetstar voucher if it is just going to waste?
So you still never got the
So you still never got the true refund?