You lost us - Wake Up Jetstar !

1. Firstly, if you can get on to someone that speaks clear enough english to start with, then you are a minority and very lucky. We asked to change to another operator that could speak better english and we were refused outright. We had to hang up and dial again two more times to get someone we could understand.

2. Forget about trying to ask jeststar for a straight answer on anything. Forget about asking them for changes to your ticket for compassionate reasons. We had a death in the family and wanted to extend our tickets another day so we could attend the funeral. Jetstar wants you to do the impossible before they'll even look at changing your ticket on compassionate grounds, and this leaves you no choice but to just pay for ticket changes and fare differences. A letter from the hospital that declares the death is not good enough evidence for them - they want the whole official death certificate, which takes up to a week to be issued.
3. And last of all while I am here - the jetstar aircraft flying between Bangkok and Singapore in July 2010 was the worst interior condition we have ever seen on a major airline. It is embarrassing that foreigners may hop on to an Aussie run airline and sit in a plane that is in such poor condition internally. I am embarrassed to be and Australian when we show off such crap standards to international passengers.

We will never use you or Qantas again.

C& R Queensland.

Australia-Gold Coast


Totally know what you mean

Totally know what you mean there Craig. It is an embarassment. They hire cheap labour, as if they need to cut costs anymore! But keep in mind it's all so they give you the ole' one-two fuck-over. They think by hiring people with sub-par English you will give up and stop badgering them for what is rightly yours: the money you spent for the services they said they would provide.